We all know how to tag people on photos, but have you ever thought of utilizing this tagging features for presentation or introduction use? Here is an editable photo for introducing new colleagues of a company using popup infobox.
Face tagging by drawing rectangle
Draw rectangles for face tagging, and edit the rectangles style without coding. Style of the rectangles (e.g. color and opacity ) can be customized according to your preference.
Insert mouseover information boxes
Insert information boxes for the face tagging by simply adding text content into the image editor. Information box supports HTML5 code that you can add external link, video, graphic, etc.
Create category legend with single selection
Make the photo more dynamic by creating category legend that assign each face tagging into various category. In the sample map, categories are created based on positions (e.g. manager, accountant, executive), and then enable category legend with single selection function and assign people to different category. Once you select a category in the legend, you can then mouseover the related face tag for additional information.