We can always find emergency evacuation maps in our workplaces, housing estates, shopping malls, campus, hotels, etc. that are all are tiny static images with hundreds lines and marks on it, and no one is interested in having a look on this complicated map. Now, you can create the evacuation map in a clearer, neat and simple way with interactive feature.
Draw arrows for evacuation direction using polygon tool
Create arrows for evacuation directions using polygon tool, and edit color, style and size settings in the editing panel. Multiple arrows with the same style can be copied by clicking the “Duplicate” button in the properties list. Several Transform features (i.e. Rotate 90 Degree, Flip Horizontally, Flip Vertically) can be selected for customizing the position of the arrows.
Divide routes into various groups with various colors and category ID
Colors of the arrows can be edited in Polygon Properties Panel. And then you can enable the Category Legend feature, create category legend items, and finally assign arrows into related categories in Polygon Properties Panel.
Enable category legend with single selection feature
First enable the category legend feature, and then select Single Selection that allows the map to display single evacuation route when users select related category. This feature can keep the map neat and simple by avoiding displaying all the routes at the same time.