(1) PayPal (use PayPal a/c, or credit card directly without sign up)
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to your friends list BEFORE PROCEEDING!
- Submit payment using your PayPal a/c, or
- Pay directly using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
- NO PayPal a/c required - When you reach PayPal from our registration page, you can use the option "Don't have a PayPal account" towards the right bottom of the payment page (See a screen capture here). Clicking on that link would lead you to the form to enter your debit or credit card details directly.
- Payment will be processed by PayPal.
- You will receive download link(s) INSTANTLY once the transaction is processed and verified successfully.
- Note : If you submit the payment by e-check or bank transfer, the download link will be send to you after the funds have cleared from your account, which usually takes three to four business days.
- Please contact us if you have any question regarding your order.